Monday, February 1, 2010

to the world, from me. first post.

Brenna is an internet addict and when I came to her with this idea it felt as if I was enabling her condition. But who cares, anyways?

Pushing slow into my nose and throat is getting out of anyone's hands, including mine and she wants rid of it all... too many monsters in her past. Monsters with horns and tails.

But it's good to know that if I fall and go all the way down, there's an arm there to pull me back up.

Too bad we started late. Too bad we kept it all quiet. The past months would have made for a good read... lots of hurt and tears and anxiety. I wash it all down and scream when the time is right. Never the right time.

I love my bear with all my heart. Not just my heart... every fucking part of my body. Parts I never knew existed.

Sometimes I'm not all the way there. Sometimes I am... and when that happens it's like we're both floating... so look up sometime... you might see us if you look high enough.
